A B O U T . M E

Hi there!

My name is Nicole Davis, the founder, and creator of The Liberated Mystic, LLC. I’m a Portland, Oregon native, University of Washington alumni, and I have a B.A. in International Studies: Comparative Religion. I have a passion for nerding out to theology, mysticism, healing modalities, leadership development, and a healthy dose of stand-up comedy, amongst other things. As serious as some of these topics can sound, I’ve found that if you’re not laughing you’re not paying attention!

A little bit of background: my spiritual awakening began during my sophomore year at university with a sudden mental health crisis, which launched me into the therapeutic world and a brief break from school. I was able to bounce back, finish my degree in 2013, and carry on. However, a second health crisis hit without a diagnosable cause via allopathic medicine. This triggered an exploratory journey into energy medicine, past life regressions, and unlearning/relearning theological principles that no longer fit my new paradigm due to what I was experiencing. As uncomfortable as it was physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, the journey of awakening and healing set me free in a lot of ways. So much of what I had gone through started to make total sense!

At this epic time in history on the planet as we shift into a new era of consciousness, known as the Age of Aquarius, I felt lovingly compelled to share my insights and experience of stepping into my personal power and sovereignty with a wider audience as a teacher and author! I believe that to make this shift sustainably, we must unlearn survival mode and learn thrive mode. Understanding certain leadership principles, such as how to be grounded, how to make well-informed decisions, etc. allows us to activate this new way of being in the world and to support our awakening process with ease and grace.

What’s in a name?

You might be curious about the brand name, and what the heavens it means! Well, a lot of loving intention went into creating it. Let’s do a quick vocabulary check-in so you’re clear on what I mean.

To me, “liberated” means:

free to form, free to think, and free to be

Free to form: You feel safe + confident enough to express your gifts to the world.

Free to think: You feel safe + confident enough to trust your own mind, decision-making, and discernment.

Free to be: You feel safe + confident enough to show up as the authentic YOU no matter the circumstances.

To me, “mystic” means:

someone who sees quantumly, not just linearly; someone who learns through experience instead of outsourcing all their thinking to an authority figure

Let my story and the content I share bless you + serve you well!